Support for menopause.

Get your Life Back.

Support for your sex life.

Pleasure Heals.

Because sex matters.

Because you matter.

Sexual Medicine
In-Depth Sex Counseling & Sex Coaching
Individuals & Couples

Menopause Medicine
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Compassionate Care

No one ever warned you this could happen, much less what to about it.

Your friends are great, but they can't really help you with this.

There has to be you can do than just scroll social media.

Your doc and your therapist are supportive, but it feels like you still don't have answers.

Books and podcasts are have taught you a lot, but you need more.

You are not alone.

Have you struggled to find Help?

How can I help?


Lori has been instrumental in helping us add life back into our sex life. We’ve been together for 20 years, but sex was still hard for us to talk about — and our intimacy was paying the price. Lori met us where we were, and guided us to a more open (and pleasurable!) place. She helped us approach our thoughts, our feelings and our relationship with curiosity in place of judgement. Everyone should have a Lori.


Thank you! I can't explain how great it feels to have someone work with me and genuinely seem to care and feel you have my best interest at heart. It's been life changing to have someone as part of my health care team who is so wonderful. When I was recommended to see you, I was told you were a 'magical hormone understanding unicorn," and I feel like that description fits perfectly!



I have seen many doctors and therapists in my adult life. Although they have been helpful, I’ve always felt as if I wasn’t making as much progress as I hoped and that something was missing from my care. Lori has been the first person able to connect the dots between my physical and emotional symptoms to get to the root of what’s going on. She really listens to what I’m saying and doesn’t brush anything aside. She has helped me learn how to listen to myself and reconnect with my body when I thought that was no longer possible. She encourages curiosity and compassion instead of rigid all or nothing ways of thinking and I can’t thank her enough for the help she has given me.



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