“My wife and I both found RLI's workshop to be exceptional,
and well worth the time and effort to fly to Boston. I would recommend it highly, particularly to couples having communication problems. RLI'S approach is unique, but common sense, so it is easy to understand and, hopefully, to apply.
We've been together 30+ years so it'd be fair to wonder what would we possibly have to work on. My love-avoidant, grandiose man said this shifted our relationship to a deeper, more loving level; his love-dependent, grandiose wife agrees. The Boot Camp weekend opened up new ways to talk, to see ourselves and to love each other."
“Terry Real's Boot Camp was life-changing for me and my husband.
“I have found that most couples really want a relationship that works
for both people and they have no idea how to make that happen. Once they learn that implementing a set of learned skills can achieve their goal, the majority of couples are willing to do things differently. They become empowered to change!