

Client Services





Build a Relationship Built on Compassion and Collaboration for Lifelong Intimacy

Break free from the losing strategies that block you from enjoying true intimacy.

The real work of relationships isn’t occasional, it’s minute-to-minute. This workshop will teach you those critical minute-to-minute skills that build and sustain true intimacy. By the end of the two days, you’ll have the skills to:

Override your knee-jerk reactions in heated moments to navigate conflict calmly.

Encourage, not discourage, your partner’s efforts, and celebrate progress. 

Move out of complaint and get more of what you want from your relationship. 

Let go of the battle of who’s right and work together to find a solution. 

What Should I Expect from the Relationship Bootcamp? 

The Relationship Bootcamp takes place online for two full days, September 28-29, 2024 8am-4pm each day. 

You will learn essential skills from Relational Life Therapy (RLT)—the radically effective approach to relationship therapy created by internationally-recognized therapist and bestselling author, Terry Real.

RLT is known for its ability to spark profound, lasting change in individuals and their relationships, and these skills will help you build and sustain meaningful connections.

You will learn through a combination of lecture, small group exercises, and personal reflections guided by the Relational Life Institute Practitioners Lori Davis, DNP, CSC and Trent Schimededhaus, LCSW

Join us for this transformative workshop to learn the powerful relational skills you need to create the deeply connected relationship you yearn for. 

What gets in your way of the deeply satisfying relationship you want.

Learn more about getting it right together.

How your self-esteem & boundaries intersect to create repeated patterns in your relationships. 

How to ground yourself so you can effectively engage in challenging conversations.

Healthy listening & responding skills to improve communication & de-escalate conflict.

How to assert your wants & desires in a way that empowers your partner to meet them.

Who should join? 

The Relationship Bootcamp is suitable for:

Couples looking to strengthen their connection, improve communication, and sustain intimacy.

Individuals looking to overcome their barriers to intimacy and cultivate more meaningful relationships.

Mental health professionals looking to deepen their understanding of the RLT model and facilitate their own Relationship Bootcamps. 

Special Offer!

Book now to receive one free relationship counseling session after the Boot Camp with Lori Davis, DNP.  A value of $180!
Just mention Lori Davis at checkout! 

Meet Your Facilitators

Lori Davis DNP, CSC

Dr. Lori Davis is a sexologist and relational specialist who focuses on helping individuals and couples who feel stuck in their sex lives to create authentic, resilient, and passionate relationships for the long haul. She takes a deeply mind-body approach to the challenges of modern relationships and believes that we can all find our way to deeper intimacy and connection.  

Ithaca, NY

Trent Schiemedehaus, LCSW

Trent is a psychotherapist and relationship specialist who helps couples and individuals soften barriers to love and create lasting, deep connection and intimacy in their lives. Trent takes a distinctly mind-body-spirit approach to finding relief from the trauma and stress of everyday life, and works from the premise that human beings are hard-wired to be emotionally connected to one another, and believes healthy, supportive relationships are central to the well-being of couples, individuals, families and communities.

Austin, TX


“My wife and I both found RLI's workshop to be exceptional,

and well worth the time and effort to fly to Boston. I would recommend it highly, particularly to couples having communication problems. RLI'S approach is unique, but common sense, so it is easy to understand and, hopefully, to apply.


We've been together 30+ years so it'd be fair to wonder what would we possibly have to work on. My love-avoidant, grandiose man said this shifted our relationship to a deeper, more loving level; his love-dependent, grandiose wife agrees. The Boot Camp weekend opened up new ways to talk, to see ourselves and to love each other."

“Terry Real's Boot Camp was life-changing for me and my husband.

“I have found that most couples really want a relationship that works

for both people and they have no idea how to make that happen. Once they learn that implementing a set of learned skills can achieve their goal, the majority of couples are willing to do things differently. They become empowered to change!



Individual Solo

Take some time to explore relationality on your own.  It can be a great way to jump start relational change in your life.

Couple Come Together 

Learn together, work together, get better...together!


Let's get down to brass tacks!

$550 per person

$1050 per two-some

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