Let's work together to support your journey toward greater intimacy, easeful relationships, and fulfilling sex.

Your pleasure matters.

sex education

Why am I so happy to be the Radical Sexologist?

What is radical sexuality and why is it essential for lasting sexual freedom and resilience?  Ultimately, I believe that people who have created their most authentic sex lives are living by a set of principles that are universally nourishing for sexual expression, relational presence, and a passionate existence.

I’ve pulled all of these principles and practices together into one place, simplified, streamlined so that you can take radical action and create the sex life you have always wanted.

Now I know that when I say radical sexuality, some of your minds might run wild, imagining all the sex acts that I could possibly be referring to.  Awesome!  I love helping people imagine fantastical sexual experiences.  I hope that your mind went to something really arousing and sexy!

For some of you though the idea of wild sexual acts is not your cup of tea and in fact Big Overt Sexuality shuts you down.  Well, I am glad you are here too.  You are in exactly the right place!

Because radical sexuality is about so much more than particular sex acts, in fact in has very little to do with what you choose to do in bed.

So, what is Radical Sexuality?

Radical Sexuality is a practice based on a few radical notions about sex:

  • Pleasure is a guide to a deep, resilient health for ourself and the planet
  • Sexuality is deeply integrated into every aspect of our being
  • Radical sexual authenticity and pleasure activism can change the world

So Radical Sexuality is on the one hand radical because it is REVOLUTIONARY, it’s on a mission.  I believe it’s part of our fundamental guidance system, it’s a north star of human consciousness.

Radical sexuality wants to change the world, to create the better world our hearts desire.

Radical Sexuality also believes a few radical notions about you:

  • Your sexual self is whole and perfect right now just as you are
  • You can create the authentic sex life you always dreamed of

Radical Sexuality is available in all of us and yet we all know there are things that get in the way.  These are not your personal failings.  The barriers to authentic sexual expression originate in our family and cultural systems, these barriers are done to us, not something inherent to our being.  And you can overcome them with the right support. 

Radical Sexuality can bring us back into ourselves, by healing the many wounds inflicted on us or that deflect us from our true radiance.

But in order to meet this force within us, we have get a little radical ourselves.

We need to get radical in the sense of getting to the ROOT CAUSE, going all the way to the bottom so that you can manifest your sexual birthright.  This is where the science meets the woo, where the mind body connection is explored, developed, enhanced.


Radical Sexual AWARENESS

            Becoming aware of what is driving your sexuality and what is holding you back

            Taking a deep dive – mind and body, past and present

Focused, supported exploration

Radical Sexual ACCEPTANCE

            Building capacity for presence and acceptance of your sexual self

Creating a strong ground from which to offer loving kindness to all parts of yourself

Radical Sexual ACTION

            Taking chances, stepping into the unknown

            Meeting awkwardness and shame with courage and humor

Moving messily forward to learn more about yourself

Radical Sexual ATTUNEMENT

            Integrating knowledge with experience, adjusting course as needed

            Finding your flow


Knowing who you are and how to manifest yourself in flow sexually

Bringing this deep wisdom to every aspect of your life

It’s time for your sex life to evolve, it’s time for Radical Sexuality!


This practice is radical because it believes sexual energy is  FUNDAMENTAL to health, INHERENT to the powerful energy at the center of your being.

This practice is radical because it a HOLISTIC, COMPREHENSIVE approach to restoring sexual wholeness and authenticity.

This practice is radical because it challenges you to take BOLD action towards personal REVOLUTION.

This practice is radical because it is ICONOCLASTIC, open and willing to receive wisdom from any source but not constrained by any belief system

This practice is radical because it is CUTTING EDGE and at the FOREFRONT of what is known about living a deeply integrated sexual life.

This practice is radical because it believes good sex can CHANGE THE WORLD.

Wanna get a little more radical? Book a free consult; let’s chat!

What’s so radical about radical sexuality?

Sex Counseling